Good Morning! Time is 7:11am and the sun is coming up very nicely=) I woke thinking "Are the kids up?" ...and yes they are.=) So then my second thought was a quote from one of my favorite ladies in the whole world....
"If your afraid of butter...just use cream!" ~Julia Child (it was the last thing I read before I went to sleep)
I have to bake a new recipe today and she is a fountain of inspiration! LOL....I need to go to the store later and get some cream!
When I started "decorating" cakes...I wasn't really decorating but more like I was squeezing buttercream out of a bag and hoping it would turn into something! LOL. It never did. It sat in a nice little pile and I stared at it wondering why on TV it looked so easy! I mean hadn't Buddy Valastro iced a cake in under 5 minutes BLINDFOLDED!? Even made buttercream roses?! I began to understand that maybe buttercream wasn't my forte'. Maybe I was destined to do something else....besides more buttercream always ended up all over me and my work area than on any cupcake or cake anyways. So I began a love affair with fondant. I bought some at first...from Walmart...the Wilton brand fondant. I sat down and removed the wrapper....looked at it and asked it "What do you want to become?" I had no plan....I wanted to just get familiar with what it felt like and what properties it had. I fell in love. That piece of fondant became a bunny ....then two bunnies and before you know it I had at least 5 little bunnies sitting on the table and thought to myself "They need a cake to sit on!" So I baked one. And thus my first attempt to bake and decorate a cake happened. Almost by itself. I was hooked. I remember rushing around the house looking for my camera...SOMEBODY had to see this! lol....I took a picture and sent it to Iraq. That's where Josh (my fiance) and Ramzi (my brother) were along with 4 other friends....they sent back positive feedback....I was over the moon. Looking back on my bunny was simple...not even covered in fondant ...but the feeling of satisfaction I got from creating this cake from a bunch of otherwise lonely ingredients really made me hungry for more knowledge. What IS fondant? What is IN fondant? Google and Youtube became my best friends. I woke up in the mornings ...made coffee and sat at my computer. From 7 to 3pm.....learning....fascinated.

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